
What makes Coaching so effective in changing teachers’ instructional practice?

Workshops, conferences and other professional learning opportunities are only part of the picture. In today’s classrooms, where they face greater expectations, accountabilities and workload than every before, teachers’ attempts to change their own practice all too frequently falter.

Coaching can make all the difference. The ongoing trust-based relationship between teacher and coach in and around the place where teachers do their work provides individual support through the many challenges that any change brings with it. In a supportive culture of continuous improvement, all teachers benefit from coaching.

Coaches need to be good listeners and effective communicators, capable of giving constructive feedback in ways that empower teachers to be at the centre of their own professional development.

Kelvin helps schools to develop policies, procedures and protocols for successful coaching programs, as well as working as a numeracy coach.

Jo mentors educators and co-educators in facilitating socio-dramatic play and process drama.


Coaching comprises a range of forms corresponding to different needs:coaching


  • Mentoring is a collaborative relationship established to support either a teacher who is new to the profession or one who feels they need guidance in a particular facet of teaching and learning. The goal is to provide the teacher with support to help him/her become more effective and independent.
  • Technical Coaching is designed to help teachers put into practice what has been learned in a workshop, conference or through professional reading. Technical coaching provides a teacher with the pedagogical, organisational and logistical support needed when a new instructional strategy is being implemented.
  • Peer Coaching is an interactive process between two or more teaching professionals that is used to share successful instructional strategies through observation, collaboration and reflective practice.